Fun Learning Programs For Your Children
The Children’s Centre | Non Profit Society
The Children’s Centre was established as a Non-Profit Society on March 03, 1992. The Children’s Centre evolved when gaps in existing services for children 0 to 5 years of age and their families, were identified within our community. The Children’s Centre, using a Homestart/Headstart Framework for practice, focuses on strengthening and supporting families in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo to assist the families in becoming independent in order to access services for their children. We provide a continuum of services for children 0 to 5 years of age. Existing services and programs are integrated into this continuum, with an emphasis on prevention, empowerment, advocacy, and community support.
Vision Statement
To continue to provide quality sustainable programs and services under the umbrella of The Children’s Centre. To continue to evaluate, monitor and modify the quality and effectiveness of existing programs.
What We Offer
Free Prenatal Classes
Free Postnatal Classes
Nutrition Counselling
Child Development Information
Breastfeeding Support
Infant Gift Bags to Registered Moms
Free Milk Coupons & Vitamin Supplements
Support & Assistance
Free Preschool
Preschool Transportation
Programs and Services
The Children’s Centre is specifically designed to provide a continuum of programs and services for children and families over a 6 year period, from prenatal through to the age of five, with a focus on maximum parent and community involvement. The health and well-being of parents has the potential to influence child functioning. Encouraging parents to participate and become actively involved in their child’s education and development is essential for a healthy family and healthy community. At an early childhood level, Headstart program assists parents to buy into their children’s education so that they will continue their participation thoughout their child’s school years.
The Children’s Centre is made possible through grants from:
Donations and Gifts in kind from businesses and individuals